Saturday 17 October 2009

New plan for film opening

After we started editing our footage, we realised that our idea seemed more suited for a middle of a film than for the opening scene, as there is just a campfire with conversation, and not a (possibly) dramatic start which makes the film obviously starting for the audience.

Originally we decided to have the dialog in there to help set the scene, as the audience would be left wondering why the girl would be walking into the woods following a random path of candles in the first place, so we put in a scene where she was sent into the woods. Right now we are debating whether or not to go and re-shoot most of this scene to feature the girl (Ali) as well as taking the camera out to fire troupe to film the fairies.
A new idea based on what footage we have:
the girl walking along the pathway of candles (as filmed previously) and coming across this fire faery. She asks the flame what it is and she gets a flashback of the birth of the faery. It shows her at a campfire with friends, she puts petals into the flame which makes a spark, which grows into life as she isn't looking- It's been following her since.

Other than this, I plan to animate fairies in either Blender 3d or Autodesk Maya at home, in order to greenscreen them into the flames. As for music, we are going for an eerie effect. We could play and record piano to achieve this, or use random natural sounds such as birds and such.

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