Thursday 8 October 2009

Ident idea 1

My original idea for my production ident was going to be based around gold feathers. I figured that the elvish translations for the words 'gold'- Lorina and 'feather' - Quesse sounded quite pretty so went with that theme for my ident.

I got an image of a gold quill from google and imported it into photoshop. I then used a swirly golden font with blending options such as inner glow and drop shadow and experimented with these until it looked like ink. The plan was to animate the quill writing the name of the company, whilst smaller feathers seem to rain down (the same image as the quill but transformed with filters to look different and more fluffy).

When I first thought of the idea for my opening scene, however, I decided to change my idea entirely and decided to create an animated fairy to hint at the theme of the film instead.

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