Thursday 17 September 2009

Film Openings

I went to look at various film openings on YouTube and found three which interested me. First I looked at the Lord of the Rings opening scene, which I had seen before and which mainly narrates the story as if it was read from a book, and supports it using the visual film. Then I watched the opening scene for Soul Calibur IV which of course is animated as it's a game. This allows for it to use a lot of unrealistic actions and effects to emphasise the power of the weapons it revolves around.

The main one that caught my attention was the opening scene for the Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The first thing we see here is a centered title with a date in a font that suits that time period. Then we see a very misty scene where we vaguely see a castle and a hill, and along with the music we can hear what sounds like a horse. This disorientates the audience for a while before the scene comes into focus, the director probably decided to do this for suspense and to help us believe that the man is on a horse. Soon we find out that this is a man with coconuts making the sound with a companion. The rest of the scene is a conversation between this man and a guard about them. I like how the simple idea has been focused on throughout the starting scene, and there is not a lot to distract the audience so they can't miss the joke. They also mention that this is Arthur, from the legend, and uses humor along with this to show that it'll be a parody of the character.

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